build(self, path=None, tag=None, quiet=False, fileobj=None, nocache=False, rm=False, stream=False, timeout=None, custom_context=False, encoding=None)
- path (str): Path to the directory containing the Dockerfile
- tag (str): A tag to add to the final image
- quiet (bool): Whether to return the status
- fileobj: A file object to use as the Dockerfile. (Or a file-like object)
- nocache (bool): Don't use the cache when set to True
- rm (bool): Remove intermediate containers
- stream (bool): Return a blocking generator you can iterate over to retrieve build output as it happens
- timeout (int): HTTP timeout
- custom_context (bool): Optional if using fileobj
- encoding (str): The encoding for a stream. Set to gzip for compressing
>>> from io import BytesIO
>>> from docker import Client
>>> dockerfile = '''
... # Shared Volume
... FROM centos:latest
... MAINTAINER letong <[email protected]>
... VOLUME /data
... CMD ["/bin/sh"]
... '''
>>> f = BytesIO(dockerfile.encode('utf-8'))
>>> c = Client(base_url='tcp://')
>>> c.built(path=/dockerfile, tag='letong/webserver')